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JetKids BedBox Review

Before I jump straight into this JetKids BedBox Review, let me give you some background. As you may know, we were travelling for almost one year, around Central and South America, before visiting family in New Zealand and moving on to Australia, Bali and Singapore.

When we decided to take our family gap year, neither of us anticipated how much hard work it would be keeping a three year old entertained. Equally, Esme hasn’t been able to use the buggy so much since baby brother showed up.

Isn’t it hilarious, how they never want to sit in the buggy until someone else is in it? There was no way we were going to bring a double stroller, but to be fair, there have been quite a few times where we really needed it to get us through the airport on an early morning flight.


jetkids bedbox review
Jetkids Bedbox Review

The chance of a meltdown is 100% if she hasn’t had her full night of beauty sleep, or likewise if we have kept her up too late. Being in NZ and in one place gave us a chance to reorganise all of our luggage and change things that haven’t been working for the remainder of our trip.

We managed to get all four of our clothes cubes into just one suitcase, we’ve ditched the random bag with toys and the backpack with Esmé’s books.

What we’ve replaced it with has so far been amazing! We were delighted when JetKids reached out and asked us to review their ingenious JetKids BedBox.

JetKids BedBox Review

I really love when something has multiple functions. It’s an absolute ‘must’ when it comes to children’s products, especially when flying with twins or two small children.

Let’s face it, they can get board so easily, it needs to keep them entertained and happy for as long as possible.

I was so impressed that the JetKids BedBox is not only a bed for our little one when onboard a flight, but it is also storage, and a scooter! One morning we woke her up at 3:30am for a very early flight. Knowing our daughter too well, she was quite grumpy to begin with. That was until we got to the airport and whipped out the BedBox!

Jetkids Bedbox Review

Complete with a little strap, she can straddle the box and I have a long handle to pull her along. The wheels at the front rotate so it can go around corners and everything. Not too fast though as over zealous mum learned.

What is ordinarily a very challenging and boring hour, getting checked in, as well as through security, turned out to be amazing fun whizzing around the terminal. I’ve never seen a more happy sleep deprived toddler at 4.45am!

For once, baby wasn’t getting ripped out of the buggy by the territorial big sister. She was too busy having a blast with dad and scooting past one her BedBox every few moments.

bedbox jet kids
Jetkids Bedbox Review

Like I said, we’ve ditched two of our bags that had all our toys / entertainment for the kids and instead we are using the space inside the BedBox. We have managed to get so much into that space.

Many thin books, dolls, their cuddly bears, some arts and crafts as well as a car! It’s so awesome to finally have our stuff contained.

We are feeling so much more organised and less chaotic with just one suitcase, one other wheel bag with random bits in it and the BedBox. When we were sipping on our much needed coffee just before the flight, Esmé opened up the box and got all her toys out. That kept her quiet and entertained before we made our way to the departure gate.

jet kids bed box
Jetkids Bedbox Review

The best part about it all is, we usually find it very hard to settle her into a sleep on the plane. It really impacts on the rest of the day and usually means travel days are a write off! She’s too big to be rocked at this stage and she’s not breastfed anymore.

They used to be my two main tactics so I am at a loss when head strokes, cuddly blanket and eye masks don’t work! Setting up the BedBox was such a novelty for her. It’s very simple to do and it obviously fits into the dead space in front of her inflight seat. 

jetkids bed box
Jetkids Bedbox Review

JetKids BedBox Review

Initially she was just resting her feet on the top of it which is always nice because they just dangle off the edge otherwise. I’m sure that can get uncomfortable after a while. After the seat belt sign was turned off, we set up the bed.

All you have to do is unclip the lid, and turn it upside down to create a platform. There is a little extendable tray that closes the gap and overlaps with the chair.

We popped the provided mattress over the top of the inflight seat and BedBox platform to make her own little cozy space. It meant she could just chill or lie down for a sleep.

flying with the jetkids bedbox
Jetkids Bedbox Review

She spent most of the time in quite a comfortable position, watching movies and just playing. It was great because Esmé couldn’t lose her toys on the floor as the space is filled with the box. When she got settled into a deep sleep, the guy in front reclined his chair. I did worry it might squash her but it was absolutely fine.

We have used other in-flight sleeping devices in the past. The inflatable bed pillows are great as well but they take longer to set up and are a little more disturbing for other passengers when it comes to inflating them.

Equally the BedBox is more like a suitcase. Suitcases are allowed in the legroom on most airlines. However I know some have been funny about having an inflatable pillow fill the space because it interferes with air movement.

That said there are many approving airlines of both the BedBox and the pillow. It’s worth checking before travelling as Air NZ definitely do not allow either.

JetKids BedBox Review
Jetkids Bedbox Review

The other thing is, I feel little ones need to be the right age. From roughly ages three up any child will love the scooter feature of the Bedbox. If it is going to assist in your kids having a more comfortable and stress free flight, then surely it is a good investment!

 I would want to ensure I was going to get plenty of use out of it for the cost. For us, it is well worth it with the amount of travelling we do. I can’t put a price on reduced luggage, fun at silly o’clock in the morning, and a sleeping toddler on a flight! I would say it’s worth it’s weight in gold if you travel regularly.

Ready to buy? Get your JetKids BedBox here!

Stokke JetKids BedBox, Green Aurora – Kid’s Ride-On Suitcase & In-Flight Bed – Help Your Child…
  • FIRST CLASS EXPERIENCE – JetKids by Stokke BedBox is the world’s only premium, ride-on suitcase for kids…
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  • TRAVEL ESSENTIALS – JetKids by Stokke BedBox was designed with front swivel wheels for easy maneuvering,…
JetKids Bedbox Review

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DisclaimerThis Jetkids Bedbox Review contains affiliate links, using them does not cost you anything extra, we get a little commission.Thank you in advance for your support.

As always, all views expressed are entirely my own.

Last update on 2025-03-06 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


Wednesday 13th of February 2019

I can’t seem to find where to put this promo code in on their website to purchase.

Travel Mad Mum

Sunday 3rd of March 2019

Hi Carla, Sorry about that but the code is no longer valid. I should have removed the code earlier.


Thursday 8th of November 2018

I dont want to be a downer but my review is totally opposite, we bought a brand new jet box and i was so excited to use itndie my trip. First, it’s not really a lot of storage. I was just able to squeeze a few diapers in the luggage as inside it was the bed. When i set it up, thos 2 sides that looks like a pretection so they dont fall is pointless, it was jusy 2 foams that is attached by a velcro. The mat that they use to lat one was so annoying. Ine move of my kid and they mayress was just all Over the place and you have to constantly fix the mattress The luggage that you put the matress on does not have a lovk so it keeps on rolling. I understand the comcept for this luggage but they need some major improvements to it. Don’t byy it u less they make improvements to it


Thursday 23rd of August 2018

Unfortunately, many Airlines do not allow these devices to be used. So frustrating....Air Canada is one of them. Before buying I would check with the airline you plan to use. I am glad I didn't spend the money if I can't use all the features.


Thursday 23rd of August 2018

Yes it is a shame some of them don’t


Tuesday 3rd of April 2018

Hi, the code does not work?


Friday 6th of April 2018

Hi John, try again now or send us an email to :)

Laura O'Keefe

Wednesday 28th of March 2018

Hi Karen! This seems great untill the person in front of you reclines their seat... How mush room do you get when that happens? Thank you! ?


Friday 6th of April 2018

Hi Laura, You can still recline the seat in front, it won't effect the child lying down or sitting up :) JetKids

Laura O'Keefe

Wednesday 28th of March 2018

Mush?? That's sleep deprivation for you?