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I have travelled to over 40 + countries with my two kids since they were newborns. Needless to say a small stroller for travel and a comfy carrier are two key items we always bring. 

On the whole, we are minimalists when we travel with our kids because we all know how easy it is to mount up on baby paraphernalia. It can be challenging enough carrying a baby, possibly another child hanging off the leg, nappy bag suitcase and so on. 

Having the best travel stroller that is the most compact and lightweight stroller is paramount in making the journey as easy as possible.

The best travel stroller

We have been in the very lucky position to have the opportunity to try a tonne of strollers for the purpose of review and have developed a good insight into what features make the best travel pushchair. 

Each family’s needs will be different depending on how you travel. Whether it’s a long road trip and you want to save space in the boot, or if you are travelling by air and want your stroller as soon as you step foot off the plane, I have something for you here!

Below I’ve broken down the most important things to look for when choosing the best compact buggy for travel and why. After that I will take you through each of the best travel strollers on the market in 2020, explaining the pros and the cons and who that particular stroller might be best for.

I spoke with a group of travelling mums who told me about their lightweight stroller for travel and each gave me a review summarised in a paragraph.

You will see each opinion is honest and informative with the pros and cons. These reviews appear in italics beneath the stroller breakdown.

My personal contribution is the Mountain Buggy Nano and the Britax Holiday Double that you will find alongside the others. I hope it helps you in choosing a stroller for your adventures!

 What Features Make The Best Travel Buggy

Depending on how you travel, how old your kids are,  and where you are headed will all affect what type of features you need in order to find the best travel buggy for your family.

We list the main features we look for in a travel buggy below. Some people’s priorities may be to find the most compact stroller and some may be more interested in making sure the seats recline and that it has ample basket space.

Read through and decide if each one is important to you so you can choose the best pushchair for your travels.

Lightweight Pushchair

How much the baby strollers weigh can be important if you are headed somewhere that you may end up carrying the stroller from place to place. As someone who has stayed in an Airbnb that was a fourth-floor walk-up, it’s not pleasant trying to drag a heavy stroller up and down the stairs. 

Additionally, if you are headed on a road trip it’s good to make sure you have a lightweight pushchair that you can easily get in and out of the boot.

Easily Foldable Strollers

The easily foldable stroller can be your best friend when you are travelling. It’s all good and well if you found a great stroller that is small and meets all your needs, but if it takes a team to fold it, it’s not that useful. 

Especially for parents that are travelling solo with their kids, you are going to want a one-hand fold stroller.

Collapsed Size

Collapsed size can be a very important to choosing the best travel pushchair! Depending on the size of your stroller you may have to check your stroller, be able to take it to the door of the plane, or even be able to take it on the plane and stow it in the overhead bin!

We often just throw our kids in the carrier and check our stroller but if you aren’t into baby wearing, or want to make sure nothing happens to the stroller in flight, this can be a very important category to pay attention to. 

Generally an umbrella stroller will collapse the smallest, but we will give you the collapsed dimensions of each of the pushchairs below so that you can check if the airline will accept it.

Basket Size

We love to have a large basket on our baby buggy so we can throw all the day’s necessities in there and have as little as possible to actually carry. 

Many travel strollers because of their compact size do not have large baskets, so if it’s important to you make sure to take note and read reviews about the basket size.

Fully Reclining Strollers

When looking for a kid’s stroller you may want to make sure you find a fully reclining stroller. 

If you don’t want to have to stop your day and find a place for naptime and have kids that nap easily in their stroller this may be particularly important. 

Travel System Strollers

If you are headed on a road trip you may want a travel sized baby pushchair that also supports a car seat attachment. 

If you want a travel system pushchair, it narrows down your options a bit and they are usually a bit larger but we’ve got a few good ones on the list.

Cheap Strollers

Some people may just be looking for lightweight, cheap pushchairs and if that’s your priority we get it. You may only be using this stroller once a year and it’s not worth a large investment. Some of the fantastic options below are quite cost effective and may even have all the features you are looking for. 

How Well Does it Work on Rough Roads

This one will heavily depend on your destination. If you are headed to an old European city with rough cobbled roads or on some off road adventures you need to make sure your stroller is up to the challenge. 

Some of the strollers on this list are made to be as lightweight as possible and that sometimes means smaller wheels which might make it harder to push when the pavement ends.

Of course, this should not be an issue for those visiting places with nice paved roads.

  Our Top Choices for Best Lightweight Stroller For Travel

Best Travel Stroller Comparative Table – Single Strollers

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Gb Pockit – The Best Compact Stroller & Cheap Travel Stroller

The Gb Pockit stroller wins in a few categories. This small folding stroller is one of the most compact pushchairs on the market as well as being the lightest stroller we’ve seen.

It also wins if your priority is finding a cheap lightweight stroller. Prices are usually around 150 GBP. You can check current prices here

This compact stroller for travel fold up into a measly 35 x 30 x 18 cm and only weighs 4.3kg. This tiny size allows it to be stored in front of your seat or in the overhead bin on the airplane.

The lightweight buggy is also very easy to fold up, although you will need two hands to do it.

gb Pockit+ All-Terrain, Ultra Compact Lightweight Travel Stroller with Canopy and Reclining…
  • Collapsible and Compact Design: This travel stroller’s ultra-compact and collapsible design ensures it…
  • Lightweight Convenience: This must-have umbrella stroller weighs a mere 9 1/2 pounds and makes one-handed…
  • Durable and Flexible Construction: Durable for everyday use as well as travel the Pockit plus is designed…

The GB Pockit is appropriate for kids starting at 6 months and up.

The stroller, like all strollers, comes with a few drawbacks. The benefits provided from having the most compact folding stroller causes it to also have a very small basket and not have the ability to recline. 

It also has small lightweight wheels which means it’s not great for rough roads like gravel roads or old cobblestone streets. 

The stroller’s handles for pushing can also be a little too low for taller parents. 


  • Cheap travel stroller
  • Best compact pushchair; Folds small enough to fit under airplane seat
  • Easy fold stroller
  • Lightweight
  • Recling seat


  • Small Basket
  • Not great for rough roads
  • Not car seat compatible


If your priority is finding a cheap pushchair that takes up as little space as possible, this is definitely the stroller for you. It is the most lightweight, compact stroller you’ll find. 

However, if you are not concerned with being able to take the stroller on the plane and want something that is a little more flexible, with options for larger baskets and car seat adapters you may want to choose one of the other options on the list.

You can buy the stroller here.

GB Pockit Review

Contribution from Big Brave Nomad.

“The GB Pockit Stroller came crashing into the family travel industry, boxing out every other travel stroller with it’s extremely compact fold, durability and light weight.

Parent’s love this stroller because it makes plane travel and public transportation a breeze by folding small enough to fit under a seat or easily in your lap. Not only can you push an infant over 6 months (that sits on their own), but the stroller is rated up to 55 pounds and has a tall enough back to accommodate a 5 year old.

I have put my 2 & 3-year-old both in the Pockit and easily pushed it from point A to point B (That is almost 70lbs of weight).

Best Travel Strollers - GB Pockit

The benefits of this stroller outweigh the few drawbacks. As a parent who often travels alone with two toddlers, I need a stroller I can handle with one hand. The GB Pockit’s handles are made for single-handed manoeuvring.

This stroller weighs only 9.5 lbs, so it’s extremely easy to carry when folded. Another perk is the front wheels can either swivel 360 degrees for super easy manoeuvrability or they can lock in place for more rough terrain.

The main benefit of the GB Pockit is that it folds down to 11.8” x 7” x 13.8” which is incredibly tiny. So tiny, in fact, it won a Guinness Book World Record for most compact stroller.

This stroller EASILY fits under the seat in an airplane, or in the overhead compartment of a train. This means, no more gate checking your stroller! Bring it on the plane with you and you don’t have to wait on the bridge after your flight!

If you can believe this, the GB Pockit stroller DOES have an under basket. The basket is rated for 11lbs and is easily accessed from the front or back of the stroller. The basket is perfect for a small diaper bag or jackets.

This stroller does have a couple drawbacks. First, the canopy is absolutely worthless. It is tiny and flimsy and does not protect against the sun. Second, the seat does not recline at all.

Best Travel Stroller - GB Pockit

This hasn’t been a problem for us because our kids sleep in their Tula Carrier, but it could be frustrating for parents wanting their child to sleep in the stroller.

The stroller also has a bit of a quirky fold. The first few times I tried it, it took me so long to get it folded down the entire way. However, after lots of trips and lots of practice, it has become second nature.”

Read more reviews here.

Mountain Buggy Nano

The Mountain Buggy Nano V3 is a great choice if you are looking for a lightweight travel buggy that can do it all. 

Mountain Buggy Nano V3 Stroller (Black)
  • full recline fabric sling seat providing a lie flat mode that is perfect for newborns
  • ultra lightweight at less than 6kg / 13lbs with a carry handle and shoulder strap – ideal for travel or…
  • easy two-step compact fold designed to fit in many carry-on luggage units or to leave in the car for…

The stroller weighs in at less than 6kg and folds down to 54 x 51.5 x 30 cm. You can use this lightweight stroller for newborns all the way up to when your child hits 20 kg. 

The baby travel stroller fully reclines so your child can nap peacefully and has a car seat adapter. It also folds relatively easy once you get the hang of it, but it is a two-hand fold situation.

The Mountain Buggy Nano is also very popular with families with older kids as it has a free rider board attachment, which is essentially a scooter that attaches to the stroller for your older child to ride on. You can buy the board here.

This umbrella pushchair can handle the cobblestone roads of old European streets and can even take on some gravel roads but if you are planning on doing any intense off-roading you should look into a more heavy-duty stroller.

The stroller comes with a reasonable price tag – you can usually find them for around 200 GBP and they are quite durable. You can check current prices here.

The only notable drawback of the Mountain Buggy baby stroller is that it is not as lightweight and compact as some of the other options. Whether or not it is allowed on the plane will be up to the individual airlines. The basket is also on the smaller side.


  • Can be used from newborn until 20 kg
  • Comfortable stroller for naps, with fully reclining seat
  • Car seat compatible
  • Wheels can handle most roads
  • Scooter attachment


  • Small Basket
  • May not be allowed on airplanes due to size


If you are looking for a very versatile umbrella buggy that can be used at any age and for most situations, this may be the right stroller for you.

However, if you are looking for a stroller that you are guaranteed to be allowed to bring with you all the way to your airplane seat, or a lightweight stroller that you can carry around with ease, you may want to choose from one of the smaller strollers.
Buy stroller here.

Mountain Buggy Nano Review

“The Mountain Buggy Nano was our first ever travel stroller and something I thought long and hard about. We ended up choosing it for a number of reasons.

Firstly it can be used from newborn up to a 20kg child. In terms of longevity, it was the perfect option to ensure it lasted us for our stroller days! We took our Mountain Buggy Nano on a family gap year during my maternity leave.

Best Travel Stroller Mountain Buggy Nano

We started off with the Mountain Buggy newborn cocoon inset so baby could lie down comfortably in the early stage. A stand out feature was the fact it could house a car seat to help us during those arm breaking moments. We could put our car seat and baby into the stroller allowing us to be hands-free and concentrate on luggage and the ever running away toddler. 

The Mountain Buggy Nano also has an option for a second child by connecting the Mountain Buggy free rider board. It’s essentially a scooter come buggy board that is perfect for an older sibling.

I love the fact the Mountain Buggy free-rider has two functions and can integrate with the travel stroller.  I don’t know how many times I’ve see a parent with two kids trying to carry a scooter and toddler, whilst also pushing a stroller.

Another necessary feature for us was the comfort and recline for the all-important nap. As you can see from my photo, it goes back enough for a comfy sleep and has some nice padding to make it soft. It also comes with a snooze and sunshade.

Likewise, it has a cover that makes it look like a suitcase when it’s all folded down. The fold is easy and having it so compact for flights meant we could put it in the overhead locker if we wanted. Similar to the GB Pockit, the fold is initially difficult but once you get the hang of it’s totally fine.”

Read more reviews here.

Baby Jogger City Mini

The Baby Jogger City Mini Stroller is one of the largest single stroller options on this list. This one will be the best pushchair for holidays if your focus isn’t so much on finding the smallest possible option, but rather a stroller that you can take on almost any terrain. Many people even use this stroller as their main, year-round stroller. 

Baby Jogger City Mini 2 Stroller, Opulent Black
  • With a sleek, nimble, and lightweight design, this is the perfect everyday stroller for running errands…
  • Customize your ride for 4 different modes of use as a single or double with an infant car seat, pram, or…
  • The included infant car seat adapters are compatible with all Baby Jogger infant car seats

The City Mini is also car seat compatible, so it’s also great for road trips and the seat fully reclines for easy napping. The basket is medium-sized and should be sufficient to carry all your essentials.

The stroller is also easily folded with one hand. It weighs 8.5 kg and its collapsed size is 100 x 65 x 40 cm.

You can usually find the Baby Jogger City Mini for around 250 GBP. We think this is really good value for your money as it can really be used as your main stroller as well. Find current prices here.


  • Car seat compatible
  • Can handle most roads and terrains
  • Medium sized basket
  • Very easy one handed folding capabilities
  • Full recline


  • Heavy
  • On the larger side when collapsed


If you don’t mind the stroller being a little larger and heavier, this is a great option. The City Mini is durable, reliable and can be used almost anywhere and in almost every situation except on the airplane itself. If you want an easily folding stroller for travel this one is a winner!  You may want to invest in this as your year round stroller and not have a separate travel stroller.
Buy stroller here.

Baby Jogger City Mini Review

Contribution from Pack More Into Life.

“Finding the perfect stroller can be quite the task, especially as a new mom. The internet can lead you down a rabbit hole of suggestions and price points. Luckily for us, we had lots of friends with kids and I worked as a babysitter and nanny, so I knew which things I liked and disliked about strollers.

We ended up choosing the Baby Jogger City Mini GT and absolutely loved it for all four years of use for my son. Folding it up was a piece of cake with a one-hand fold, it was small enough to fit inside a small SUV or car’s trunk space with enough room left over for other items.

The fabric was so easy to clean and looked great even after visiting over 20 countries in the span of four years. Not to mention all the fabulous accessories that Baby Jogger has, such as consoles for both parent and child, rain covers, travel bags (a must have), hand muffs for cold weather travel and more.

Baby Jogger City mini - best travel strollers

We purchased the padded travel bag and never had an issue with anything being broken or damaged when flying. Not to mention we stuffed in all sorts of extra diapers, wipes, and blankets into the bag.

Another favorite part of the stroller was its ability to grow with my son. Even at four years old and the size of a five-year-old, he could comfortably sleep and ride.

The large cover kept him safe from wind and sun. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the Baby Jogger City Mini GT to any family who travels frequently and wants a stroller that is built to last.”
Read more reviews here.

Diono Traverze Travel Stroller

The Diono Traverze is a super light stroller. While not as tiny as the Pockit stroller, it folds up small enough to be stored in most overhead compartments on airplanes. 

The umbrella fold stroller becomes a compact 60 x 41.5 x 24 cm when collapsed and weighs only 5.6 kg. The small size difference between this stroller and the Gb Pockit allows for a few more features that you may want on your airplane stroller. 

Diono Traverze, The Original Airplane Stroller, Grey Linear (72108)
  • LUGGAGE STYLE STROLLER: Suitable from birth up to 45 lb the Diono Traverze is the original luggage style…
  • ULTRA LIGHTWEIGHT: Only 12.3 lbs (5.6kg) to help you glide through the world, with neat pull along handle…
  • SUPER COMPACT FOLD = AIRPLANE FRIENDLY: True one hand fold makes Traverze super compact to fit most…

The Diono Traverze has a medium-sized basket and fully reclines. It also can be very easily folded with one hand.

A notable drawback of this stroller is just that it’s small wheels can’t really handle any sort of rough terrains like cobblestone or gravel roads. 

For those looking for cheap baby strollers, it comes at a very reasonable price tag. You can usually find the Diono Traverze stroller for as little as 130 GBP. You can check current prices for the UK here and the USA here.


  • Cheap umbrella stroller
  • Medium basket
  • Compact and light pushchair
  • Fully reclines


  • Not car seat compatible
  • Can’t handle rougher roads


If you are looking for the best lightweight buggy this might be for you. While not as small as the Pockit, it remains small enough to bring on most airplanes and gives you the added bonus of a fully reclining seat and a medium-sized basket. 

If you need a stroller for rougher roads such as old European cobblestone roads, or any sort of off-road gravel situation you may want to choose one of the larger options.

Buy stroller in the USA here and the UK here.

Diono Traverze Review

Contribution from Otis and Us.

“We have been trying out the Diono Traverze travel stroller and love it. It is extremely lightweight – at less than 12.3lbs/5.6kg it is great for transportation, travel and general day-to-day use. The stroller has a super compact fold that is incredibly easy to put up and fold down, you can do it with one hand.

Best Stroller for Travel - Diono Traverze

A great feature is the telescopic handle that pulls out like a suitcase. The stroller has a five point harness with removable straps and pads which I love as they are easy to clean if needed.

The stroller also comes with a great water-resistant travel carry cover that zips around the folded pushchair and a rain cover which we are yet to test out!”

Babyzen Yoyo

The Babyzen Yoyo 2 is probably one of the best umbrella strollers all around. It weighs in at only 6.2 kg and collapses to 52 x 44 x 18 cm which is barely larger than the Pockit. 

BABYZEN YOYO2 Stroller – Lightweight & Compact – Includes White Frame, Black Seat Cushion +…
  • EASY TO USE – YOYO2 is one of the most lightweight, compact, full-feature strollers available. Designed…
  • TAKE IT EVERYWHERE – It’s never been easier to meet up with friends, catch a cab, or hop onto the subway….
  • GROWS WITH YOUR CHILD – Now you only need one stroller! Our all-in-one frame accommodates your growing…

What makes this small stroller better than the Pockit is the medium sized basket, reclining seat, and the adapter’s that make it car seat compatible. 

Additionally, it is a very easy to fold up stroller, it takes only one hand and a few seconds to accomplish. Once folded it even has a carry strap that allows you to carry it over your shoulder like a purse.

This single stroller also hold up better than the other super light stroller option. While we still wouldn’t expect it to hold up well on gravel, it will do a little better on cobblestone type roads. 

If size is your priority, the only reason you might not want this stroller as your first choice is the hefty price tag. Babyzen Yoyos usually cost around 450 GBP. Check current prices here.


  • Very lightweight and compact
  • One hand, easily collapsible stroller
  • Car seat adaptable
  • Small enough to store in the airplane overhead bin
  • Medium sized basket
  • Reclining seat


  • Expensive
  • Not good for really rough terrains


If you are not concerned about price and are not headed somewhere with rough roads, the Babyzen Yoyo will probably be the best lightweight pushchair for you. If you like a big basket, make sure to get the most recent Babyzen Yoyo stroller which has a larger basket than older editions.
Buy Stroller here.

Babyzen Yoyo Review

Contribution from Travel Sisters 

“The Babyzen YOYO2 is my top choice for the ultimate travel stroller.  As a minimalist traveler, I have made peace with the fact that traveling with kids involves more gear. Still, I carefully consider each item I bring along and make sure it will make our travels more seamless.

This meant no stroller as I preferred wearing my son in a carrier so I could freely explore and not have to gate check my full-size stroller as a bonus.  Many people have multiple strollers at home but we live in a condo in the city so we don’t have the luxury of extra space. 

The time came though when depending on where we traveled a stroller would be easier.  After much research and test-driving, I splurged on Babyzen YOYO2 and never looked back. 

Initially, the main selling point was size. I loved that I could take it onboard as carry on luggage and even wheel it down the aisle to our seats.  When at home, I could conveniently store it in our small coat closet- it comes with a storage bag but I don’t really bother with it.

The way this stroller works is you purchase the frame and then customize it to your needs.  I read reviews praising the various color options but that wasn’t a selling point for me as I always go for black anyway.

The biggest draw was that customization meant you could choose to use this from birth, with a car seat or for an older child.  The car seat option requires adapters and the newborn and infant option separate fabrics but the a la carte options keeps you from ending up with more parts than you need.

I originally purchased this when my son was 6 months, but now that I have a newborn, I find this stroller especially useful.  Even with the flat pram for young infants, the Babyzen YOYO2 still remains compact. Despite the small size, you don’t sacrifice comfort.

 Both my kids love riding in it as it does not feel like a flimsy stroller where riders experience every bump. An included generous sun canopy and rain shield keep kiddos comfy in all types of weather.  And aside from having to carry a big grocery haul home, the Babyzen Yoyo 2 has now become my go-to at home, thanks to the decent storage for a stroller of this size.”

Read more reviews here.

Maclaren Techno XT

The Maclaren Atom Travel System is a great lightweight reclining stroller for those looking for a good quality stroller from a well trusted brand. 

Maclaren Atom Style Set Travel System- Super Lightweight, Ultra-Compact Stroller, Fits On…
  • The lightest compact fold on the market. The simple 2D fold beats the competition on basic weight at…
  • Comfy and perfect for travel. The extendable, waterproof and UPF 50+ hood includes a window and air…
  • Smart product for active parents. The Atom style set includes a premium wind-resistant Raincover,…

While not as lightweight as some of the really small options, it is a manageable weight of 5 kg and has four reclining options which makes it suitable even for very small babies.

This stroller can also handle rough roads better than many of the other light strollers for travel that are on the market. 

The Maclaren Atom can also be folded fairly easily, and once you get the hang of it, it can be done one handed.

It also has the added bonus of adjustable pushing handles so that it’s within arms reach no matter how tall you are.

You can usually find the Maclaren Atom for around 150 GBP.  You can check current prices here.


  • Many reclining options, making it suitable for all ages
  • Can handle rougher terrain such as cobblestone and gravel
  • Easy folding stroller
  • Adjustable height handles for pushing
  • Car seat compatible 


  • Small basket 


This stroller might be for you if you want an easy folding and highly adjustable stroller from a great brand. However, if your priority is size, you probably won’t be able to store this in an overhead bin.
Buy Stroller here.

Maclaren Techno XT Review

Contribution from Passport & Adventures.

“Having invested in a travel system with our son we realised a travel system wasn’t going to cut it. We decided to change to a stroller and went with a reputable British brand, the Maclaren. Our main reason was it was an umbrella stroller and was a one-piece buggy. 

It is certainly not the lightest of strollers, there are many more on the market that weigh less. It comes in at just over 7kg depending on the year of manufacture. But this simply means it feels good-quality, sturdy and durable.

The Maclaren comes with a sun hood, rain cover, two pockets on the back and a small storage space underneath the seat. There are two handles which have adjustable height to two settings. Handy if you are a couple where one of you is 5 feet 2 and the other is 6 foot 1.

Best stroller for travel - Maclaren Techno XT

There is a side click lock which keeps the stroller folded for storage or transport. This can feel flimsy but does the job. And if it should break for any reason, Maclaren will replace it. They replaced ours free-of-charge.

There is also a carry handle for ease of transport once folded. You can fold the stroller one-handed if needed, but it’s a skill. The hood unzips to provide additional protection for your child from the sun and the stroller is suitable from birth upwards. In the latest model of the Techno XT there are 4 reclining seat positions and an additional head hugger.

The rain cover is included, something which can be an added extra with some strollers and has brilliant clip holes to clip onto the stroller to keep it in place. The leg rest extends to provide additional comfort and the wheels are lockable or can swivel.

They also have reflector hubcaps and can handle uneven terrain pretty well thanks to the four-wheel suspension. Although cobbled streets can be a bit bumpy, on smoother surfaces it is a comfortable ride for babies and younger children.

We used this stroller for our son between the ages of 6 months and 4 years, and it was by far the best investment we made. Once we had bought it our travel system never got used again.

It has travelled from the UK to places such as Slovenia, France, Ireland and New York. For us, it was the best travel stroller on the market and one we wholeheartedly recommend.”
Read more reviews here.

Best Double Strollers for Travel

Best Travel Strollers Comparative Table – Double Strollers

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Phil & Ted’s Double Stroller

Phil & Teds Double stroller will be the best double stroller for you if want a stroller that can be used as a double or as a single stroller. 

This 3 wheel stroller functions almost like a tandem stroller with the second seat being added as a back attachment so it doesn’t take up any additional space, making it easier to maneuver.

Phil & Teds Sport Buggy with Doubles Kit (Charcoal)
  • a great single buggy, that converts into a fantastic inline double buggy – the only active inline on the…
  • 3 x 12″ all terrain, air-filled tyres & all-wheel suspension delivers the best in manoeuvrability
  • full size fabric seat sling that offers infinite recline modes to fully lie flat for newborn – choose…

The stroller can be used for twins or as a stroller for baby and toddler to use together. The seats recline and can be used for a small child or you can take advantage of the car seat adapters or bassinet that can be used in place of one of the seats.

The fold is easy and can be accomplished with one hand, but you’ll have to remove the second seat first.

The stroller also has great wheels that can take on almost any terrain. 

It weighs in at 14 kg and collapses to 86 x 65 x 31.5 cm. 

The main downside of this stroller is that it comes with a heavy price tag. With the doubles attachment, they will usually run for over 600 GBP. Check current prices here.


  • Takes up the same amount of space as a single, when set up
  • Can be used for kids of all ages
  • Car seat adaptable
  • Can also be used as a single stroller
  • Can handle most terrains
  • Easy to collapse


  • Expensive
  • Small basket


If you are looking for a good quality double stroller for travel, this is a great option. While it’s not the smallest or lightest of the double strollers, it scores in almost every other category. Most double strollers won’t be allowed on the plane in any case so it’s size might not be a drawback for you. 

It is expensive but if the price is not a concern for you, it’s quality certainly makes it worth the money.
Buy Stroller here.

Phil & Ted’s Double Stroller Review

Contribution from The Elusive Family

“If you have two different aged children, look no further than Phil & Ted’s classic stroller.  This stroller has been life changing for travel from cobblestone streets in Paris, to winding hills in Germany to the high curbed streets of Chicago.

Lightweight, easy to fold and super smooth, this stroller is a great compact travel stroller.

If you have two children, this stroller will provide you with even the most stubborn child enjoying the ride.  With a main seat in the front and the ability to attach a secondary seat in the back, it provides two ways for children to sit.

You have the ability to take a baby and toddler, with both kiddos front facing, and safely strapped in a 5 point harness system!

BEST TRAVEL STROLLERS - Phil and Ted's Double Stroller

If you have a baby, you can adjust the main seat to lie flat for a baby to lie on and nap, while also allowing for your second child to sit in their seat.  You also have the option of purchasing a car seat adapter in quickly and easily insert a car seat.  A variety of adapters are available depending on which car seat you have.

The tires are all terrain and are surprisingly resilient to any bumps you encounter on your walks. It’s even very easily to maneuver with one handle (if necessary) since the tires all work together to ensure smooth handling. 

The under seat storage area has an option for the fabric to clip down and is large enough for a bag or two of groceries and even a child’s feet to rest in!

The foot break extends across the whole stroller and is super easy to press down. Finally for travel, a strap closes the stroller together which allows for easy carrying anywhere and anytime.”
Read more reviews here.

Britax Holiday Double – Cheap Double Stroller

The Britax B-Lively Double will be the best double stroller for you if your priority is a cheap double stroller, which also happens to be the most lightweight double stroller.

This double umbrella stroller weighs in at only 9 kg and folds down to 60 x 50 x 28 cm.

It also has a large basket underneath and handles bumpy, cobblestone roads well.

The holiday double also folds down very quickly and easily. 

You can usually find the Britax double for as little as 450 GBP. You can find current prices here.

The downsides of the double is that it barely reclines. It also has handlebars that may be an uncomfortable height for tall people.

The stroller is also only suitable for babies over 6 months old unless an infant car seat is used.


  • Smallest and most lightweight double stroller
  • Handles rough roads
  • Easy fold stroller
  • Large basket
  • Cheap double stroller


  • Barely reclines
  • Only suitable for children from 6 months to 3 years
  • Short handlebars 


If you are looking for a cheap lightweight double stroller for travel, this one is a great option. It hits most the checkpoints of what people look for in a travel stroller as long as your kids are within the age limits and don’t need a reclining seat.

Buy stroller here.

Britax Holiday Double Review

“The Britax Double stroller has to be one of the most compact on the market. It folds up so small and at only 9kg in weight, its easy to carry around when the kids aren’t using it.

the best travel puschairs - Britax Holiday Double

Most of the time, both of our kids are running around the place and only want to sit in the buggy when they are feeling tired. It’s so handy to be able to pack It up and wear it as a backpack rather than pushing it around with no kids in it!

It’s really easy to navigate, the only shortfall is it does not recline very far. The Britax Double also comes in a single stroller.”

Read more reviews here.

UppaBaby G-Link

The UPPAbaby G-LINK is another double umbrella stroller. 

This one comes with a large basket and a fully reclining seat. The fully reclining seat allows it to be used for newborns and up.

The G-Link’s wheels are equipped to handle some rougher, cobblestone and gravel roads. It also is an easy fold stroller.

G-Link 2 Stroller – Jordan (Charcoal Melange/Silver)
  • Suitable from 3 months up to 55 lbs per seat
  • Lightweight aluminum frame
  • Independent multi-position reclining seats

It’s a bit more expensive than the Britax Holiday Double, probably because it’s made with better quality fabrics, cushioning and equipment. You can usually find them for around 320 GBP. Find current prices here.

It also is a bit larger and heavier than the Britax Holiday Double. It weighs in at 11.2 kg and collapses to 104 x 46 x 46 cm.


  • Large Basket
  • Fully Reclining Stroller
  • Easy Folding Stroller
  • Handles Rougher Roads


  • Collapsed size is not that small
  • A bit heavier than alternatives
  • Not car seat compatible


You may want to consider the Uppababy if you want something a little higher quality than the Britax Holiday and don’t mind the larger price and larger size and weight.
Buy stroller here.

UppaBaby G-Link Stroller Review

Contribution from October Acres 

“This UPPAbaby G-LINK was made with the traveling family in mind.  It’s relatively lightweight and compact yet has plenty of storage space.  It comes with a clip on cup holder and clip on sun visors, both of which we consider essential in a travel stroller! 

The two sides of the stroller recline independently of each other and you can even add in the infant support system on one or both sides.  We love the G-Link storage bag you can purchase separately that will keep your stroller and it’s components safe while flying.

Best double stroller for travel - uppababy g-link

Despite my children being on the older side (3 and 6) we’ve used this stroller a ton while traveling. 

It’s especially nice to have after we’ve had a busy day of hiking, sightseeing or skiing and the kids just want to relax, but we want to continue to walk around town and explore. 

The UPPAbaby G-Link is a versatile stroller that we have found to be well worth the hefty price tag.”
Read more reviews here.

Creative Outdoor Wagon Stroller

The Ever Advanced Foldable Wagon is not by any means a traditional baby and toddler buggy. We do think it’s a great option for kids who don’t want to be strapped down to a chair.

This wagon allows them to sit or stand and move around and still folds down pretty compactly although it is a bit on the heavy side.

EVER ADVANCED Foldable Wagons for Two Kids & Cargo, Collapsible Folding Stroller with…
  • 【EASY PUSH & PULL】This foldable stroller wagon features an fold-away stroller push handle on the back…
  • 【FOLD OR UNFOLD IN 5 SECONDS】This wagon’s compact design can fold into a mini size; One-step fold…
  • 【DESIGN FOR SAFETY】Made of premium 300D polyester fabric and high duty steel frame . A detachable…

It’s folded dimensions are 69 x 44.5 x 73 cm and it weighs 15 kg. 

Most models of the wagon come with plenty of pockets and maybe even a basket to store your things or you can drop some things in the wagon itself.

They are also reasonably priced, costing around 250 GBP. You can check current prices here.


  • Especially good for kids who don’t like to sit still
  • Lots of storage/basket space
  • Affordable
  • Can be used for multiple kids


  • Heavy
  • Not suitable for infants
  • No car seat adapters


If you are looking for an alternative to a traditional stroller or if your kids don’t like sitting for extended periods, this could be a great thing to try out. 

With affordable and compact fold, you could even get it as an alternative to a traditional travel stroller and just use it when the situation calls for it.
Buy wagon here.

 Not ready to choose? Be sure to pin this post for later!

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Last update on 2024-05-03 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


Tuesday 5th of November 2019

Hi! I noticed you have a picture of your kids using 3-wheel stroller in front of an entrance surrounded with flowers in the "MOUNTAIN BUGGY NANO REVIEW" section. Which stroller is that?


Tuesday 5th of November 2019

It's one of the other Mountain Buggy strollers - it's not as compact as the nano but a really great stroller.


Thursday 25th of April 2019

Has anyone tried travelling with a Doona? I'm interested because it works as a car seat and a pushchair but I'm not sure how convenient it is when actually travelling. I'm thinking having a car seat when travelling in Asia on trains and buses could be handy, whilst then easily converting into a much needed pushchair.

Travel Mad Mum

Sunday 28th of April 2019

We haven't tried it but if you do, be sure to leave a comment letting us know what you thought of it!