This brings a whole new meaning to ‘eating at the table’! I first discovered the Mountain Buggy Pod Mountain Buggy Feeding Chair Review
It’s a feeding chair that is essentially light-weight, portable and compact. It could be used at home or whilst you are on your travels. It clips onto the side of the dining table or breakfast bar. Baby physically sits at the table with everyone else. It is so small it can fit in the nappy bag or under the pushchair and importantly, it has been safety approved in the US and Europe • It can be used from 6 months to 3 years Other than being one of my best baby paraphernalia travel hacks yet, I loved how it brings your little one to the table. I always feel when she is in a high chair she is kind of excluded so this feels so much more sociable. Okay, that can be a little bit difficult when she wants to throw the salt and pepper around but handy when all she wants to do is eat from my plate – despite the fact it’s the same as her food. Don’t all babies do this, or is it only ours? It is the perfect size for taking around backpacking or any other travel ventures. So definitely fits in with my pre-requisites on all baby items of being light-weight, compact and comfortable. Coming onto comfort, Esmé’s posture in this seat is perfect, there is no slouching and she can reach the table perfectly, I can tell she just feels so much more a part of meal times. The other day whilst waiting in the airport to board our flight, we decided to have some food. The only tables available were high stools. Usually a pain with a baby, but again the pod means she could sit with us at the same height. My only regret with this is I didn’t discover it earlier! And I wish my kitchen table was thick enough to accommodate because I would definitely get rid of our high chair otherwise. I really much prefer this because of all the reasons above. I think anything I suggest here goes against physics so nothing really the company can do to improve. However, if only it could take more weight because Esmé isn’t too far off 15kg and I am not ready to give up on it yet. I wish more tables were above 18 mm thick to handle it. Sometimes when you are not only looking at the menu in a restaurant, you are sussing out their table sizes, a slightly odd requirement when the waiter says “do you want to come in?” me- “nah your table’s not thick enough”. If you would like to purchase a Mountain Buggy Pod feeding chair you can do so This article has affiliate links, It does not cost the buyer any extra to use these. We get a very small commission which goes in the travel piggy bank
Last update on 2025-03-13 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising APISo what is this amazing pod?
• Although maximum weight is 15kg
• It only weighs 1kg
• It comes in a small little bag that is easy to carry, measuring 31x34x4cm
• Table thickness must be a minimum of 18mm and a max of 45mm
• It has a three point safety harnessHow was it in practice?
What could be improved?
Mountain Buggy Pod – Feeding Chair
Mountain Buggy Pod Clip-On Highchair, Chili
Thursday 3rd of January 2019
Hi Karen! Thanks so much for the useful review and website in general. We are about to go to SE Asia for a couple of months with our nearly 5 month old. Do you think taking some kind of chair (I am thinking about getting this one) is an essential item for introducing solids abroad? We are just worried about taking too much stuff with us. Many thanks.